Now that you are familiar with the philosophy and model of teaming, let’s look at how teaming worked in practice in the real-life rescue of 33 Chilean miners in 2010. This assignment will help you to see the components of the teaming model and to apply them to your own situations.
Read the instructions on how to study cases effectively
Read the case study of “The 2010 Chilean Mining Rescue”
Use the questions below to analyze the case on your own
Take 30 minutes to stay focused and devote your energy to the creative process. We look forward to hearing from you!
What barriers did the miners face when they were cut off below ground? What helped them survive until they established communication with the rescuers above ground? What practices did they use? What elements of the teaming model helped them?
How difficult and unique was the situation that Sugareth and the geologists faced as they tried to find and rescue the miners? What specific challenges did they encounter? How did they deal with those challenges? What elements of the teaming model helped them?
Have you experienced similar situations in your life? How did you act? Which of the techniques described in the case study could you use in your work?